Che in bianco e nero non si sbaglia mai è chiaro!
Chanel in persona lo sosteneva,chi può smentirla!
Un paio di mesi fa, costretta a casa dalla neve, riguardavo
per caso “La carica dei 101" (il film) e sono rimasta folgorata da Glenn Close
versione Crudelia De Mon (una delle mie eroine Disney di sempre!). In una scena
si presentava così:
Than white and black is never wrong of course!
Chanel in person supporting him, who can deny it!
A couple of months ago, forced home by snow, I looked for "101 Dalmatians" (the movie) and I was struck by Glenn Close version of Cruella de Vil (one of my heroines of Disney forever). In a scene looked like this:
Than white and black is never wrong of course!
Chanel in person supporting him, who can deny it!
A couple of months ago, forced home by snow, I looked for "101 Dalmatians" (the movie) and I was struck by Glenn Close version of Cruella de Vil (one of my heroines of Disney forever). In a scene looked like this:
Mi sono immediatamente
riproposta di avere un completo del genere!
In giro di pezzi
simili neppure l’ombra, esclusa una gonna strech H&M
I immediately re-proposed to have such a complete!
Around even the shadow of similar components, except a stretch skirt H & M
Around even the shadow of similar components, except a stretch skirt H & M
Per fortuna però ho
trovato scampoli di diversa natura e dimensione con cui realizzare una intera
collezione sul tema!!!
Luckily I found scraps of a different nature and size with which to make an entire collection on the theme!
Luckily I found scraps of a different nature and size with which to make an entire collection on the theme!
Il pezzo più semplice...una enorme shopper portatutto...
The simplest piece ... a huge rack shopper ...
The simplest piece ... a huge rack shopper ...
col "mio" marchio dipinto su!
with "my" mark painted on!
with "my" mark painted on!
Poi ci ho preso la mano e ne ho fatte altre per le amiche!
I then took my hand and I've done for other friends!
I then took my hand and I've done for other friends!
Dallo scampolo a quadri più piccoli è venuto fuori questo...
From scrap to smaller paintings came out of this ...
From scrap to smaller paintings came out of this ...
ma il vero capolavoro è la giacca modello Chanel, di cui le vetrine sono nessuna è come questa!
but the real highlight is the Chanel jacket pattern, of which the windows are full ...but none like this!
but the real highlight is the Chanel jacket pattern, of which the windows are full ...but none like this!
Vado fieramente a indossarle...
I'm going to wear them proudly ...
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